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Adding Emotion to Communication

Posted on September 30th, 2016
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The way we communicate in the digital space is changing. We no longer rely solely on text to get our thoughts out there. Mainly because we don’t have the time or the screen space on those little portable lifelines of ours. We have a whole new quiver of language to use like emojis, memes, giphys, images, videos and so on.

We chatted about this “evolution in communication” here at Boxcar Creative and our Director of Creative Strategy put it like this:

“One of the difficulties of, say, a conversation via text or chat was the lack of inflection, or tone, or intent. The things that inject meaning into what we’re saying. For example, Person A texts, “I just got a new job!” to Person B. Person B, in return, says, “That’s great!” How does Person A know that Person B is being sincere and not sarcastic or patronizing? They don’t. It’s a huge assumption. A lot of these attempts to use non-textual language is trying to add the emotional meaning to the words we use.” – Jim Kuenzer

How has this changed the way we communicate digitally? Let’s look at some examples we found to help demonstrate the shift in communication we are experiencing.

Here’s how Coke is using emojis. How will this affect mobile search? Will emojis soon replace text? Emoticoke

There are new ways to share our emotions. Hug App

What would Mad Men say about this shift. Mad Men Memes

Get in the game by creating your own emoji avatar and lots of other cool things to express yourself with Bitmoji.

What do you think? Have you used emojis in your texts or communicated through memes? Show us some examples.

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